Welcome to Voyc Village
🚀 New & Improved: Onboarding Admin Video Course! 🎥
Preparing your Organisation
Preparing your Channel
Channel Configuration: Alerts
Channel Configuration: Scorecard
Setting up a Workflow
Testing and Calibration
Choose Your Onboarding Learning Path
Getting Started with Alerts
Learn how to create, review, and manage alerts on Voyc, and how to refine your alert keywords.
Getting Started with Scorecards
Learn how to create scorecards with multiple routes. You'll also learn how to add attributes and update keywords to enhance functionality.
Getting Started with Grading
Learn how to grade conversations, rescore them as needed, and apply filters to identify reportable calls.
Getting Started with Reports
Learn how to download reports on Voyc and effectively analyze them for valuable insights.
Voyc 3rd Party Integrations
Voyc currently supports 3rd party integrations to the following platforms:
Resources to Look Out For
Exploring the learning paths in Voyc Village. Once you understand the different paths, select the learning path that aligns with what you are looking for. Once ready, sign up.
Voyc Admin
create an organisation for the teams;
add/remove members to the Voyc organisation
Create/delete channels, and do everything else on the system
Getting Started with Alerts
Create Alerts
Review and Action Alerts
Update Alert Keywords
Getting started with Scorecard
Create scorecard with multiple routes
Add JOYC AI Keywords
Add attributes
Check keyword duplication
Updating scorecard keyword
Getting Started with Grading
Filter for Reportable Conversations
Grade conversations
Routing confirmation
Refining scorecard keywords
Rescoring conversations
Direct Integrations
Open Twilio Doc
Direct Integrations
Open Dubber Doc
Open Genesys Doc
Direct Integrations
Connex One
Open Connex One Doc
Amazon Connect
Open Amazon Doc
Direct Integrations